
Video: Felipe Sanchez

Hey y’all, I’m Spencer and I love bodysurfing.

I also love reading and writing about bodysurfing, which is why I created the Bodysurf Collective—to share knowledge about the ancient art of wave gliding (sin tabla).

I first developed a passion for bodysurfing while attending college at the University of San Diego, where I bodysurfed daily before my morning classes. After graduating from USD in 2016, I moved to Bahia-Uvita, Costa Rica.

I have led several bodysurf retreats here in Costa Rica, and published a number of articles about bodysurfing in various media outlets such as The Inertia, Surfd, Medium, Elephant Journal, and CREST.

I strive to portray bodysurfing as a simple and accessible form of meaningful play—an elegant diversion, as Mark Cunningham calls it—that benefits mind, body, and soul.

Ultimately, I hope to inspire you to incorporate bodysurfing into your life and join a growing collective of bodysurfers from around the world.

Our Mission

Sharing stories and educational content to inspire a global community of bodysurfers.